Wednesday, 20 January 2010

The Noobz Appreciation Society, CAMPAIGN FOR BLACK EYESHADOW + Stardoll: The Website Of Lies !

In FC, i think we can all agree that the term 'noob' is more famous than all the well-knowns put together. So, i'm thinking of starting up The Noobz [with a z, for obviouz reazonz XD] Appreciation Society in, err, appreciation of them. Don't we all love the way they try and fit in like nobody's business, and the annoying way they talk ? They're the glue that holds FC together. I have made a t-shirt which i will sell when i'm SS next:

Lush, isn't it ? Leading us onto the next part, i have started a campaign to bring black eyeshadow back as the 1sd a day campaign was so successful so quickly. That's the reason why my banner has changed. FOR NOW (: This is the official list of people; so many people have signed up:

a.] XxNoAngelxX
b.] maymaymaymay
c.] chlowbow285798
1.] XxNoAngelxX

2.] tasha97
3.] Lollipop.97
4.] Pearly202
5.] Saz
6.] cool.girl..98
7.] nperez
8.] Fabulousa10
9.] XLaurie
10.] wertygirl
11.] Ellie465
12.] gellie321
14.] H.S.M-BABE
15.] Sopisop1
16.] eltato
17.] ali.cat2100
18.] _H.a.l.e.y_
19.] Phergin
20.] Rabab_84
21.] luckygirlxox
22.] lollipopchic22
23.] Tamii
24.] xoxprincess410
25.] brittanyhaines2
26.] superstar0102
27.] Cherry_Kiss_101
28.] iluvedward654
29.] PiOhPah
30.] maddie_rox_love
31.] Nemo....
32.] 1 2 3herewego
33.] Brii_101
34.] LiTtLe-bEaR123
35.] longlash123
36.] Malena
37.] Sara-Lottie
38.] Mimzy4 0 4
39.] kittcat97
40.] CzArSy
41.] Yellowajkp
42.] xxRainbowStarxx
43.] dophinmad419
44.] Maura
45.] Romanah
46.] caitlynn.xx
47.] natasha-rox286
48.] -FC-
49.] westiegirl9
50.] alilove_506
51.] Sky717
52.] nicepie
53.] chuchi321
54.] XxFlAsHyxX
55.] Maymay565
56.] Jordanlovesjoey
57.] mizzkoolkayza
58.] MissMarnie1997
59.] doglover0628
60.] chocochix1
61.] fefe909
62.] caitierose
63.] Brittany 7 6 5 9 8
64.] tilly579
65.] markolearyishot
66.] phantomcraze
67.] miss-crazee
69.] gena95x
70.] prettygirl70
71.] mandyrawrxxx
72.] fashionstar10
73.] abbkate
74.] Emma_Rocks123
75.] FREECookie4Sale
76.] Chungee100
77.] Miss.Werewolf.
78.] Marghiiiii ;D
79.] maddie3446
80.] etehan
81.] kkzoey
82.] duesa
83.] id_babe
84.] Liva101
85.] XxblackmageXx
86.] Nmaar
87.] Meegan
88.] Caitlynn13
89.] maymaymaymay
90.] chlowbow285798
91.] Louize_Ann
92.] zainooo
93.] Misscosmetics
94.] chelldimer
95.] destinee4ever
96.] saschablue
97.] starryeye
98.] fatooni
99.] skleanthi
100.] Tijana.flower
101.] bff4ever2gether
102.] grandartista
103.] gwinelda
104.] Semrum
105.] _Bethina_
106.] miss.janny
107.] kandygirl14
108.] popothebird
109.] hakfreemakeover
110.] m.the.doll
111.] tinkerbell-97
112.] verjuwl
113.] mittensmitsz
114.] Suso-chan
116.] niamhr101

a.] ?
1.] PaigeTaylor
2.] simplycool
3.] Wrong.Number
4.] Servati
5.] ayansimba
6.] maddyIB
7.] aliciafresquez
8.] super-_-woman

a.] ?
1.] MissHottieRox
2.] Jacqueline14
3.] The1fromheaven
4.] PinkDuckyy
5.] LilLivvers
6.] oopsydaissy
7.] saima.b1999

a.] ?
1.] niccii.xx
2.] mizzshez1995
3.] i_love_boo
4.] .Bam-Its-Emmah.

a.] ?
1.] ?
i'm gonna be updating this very, VERY frequently XD

Onto the next part.. hmm.. so, we've all established that we can get 5 stardollars through play and earn and keep one forever until we spend it, but look what i found..

Is this so, Stardoll ? Is this really so ? Well, i hope they realise there's usually 31 days in a month, and 31 x 5 = 155. On the odd month, aka Februay, there's 28 days. In that case, you get up to 140sd a month. And for the last 4 months, you can get 150sd. So no matter what, that's more than 100sd more than the lying website states ! And if you were wondering, that's 1825sd in a year. 1830 in a leap year. Lots and lots of dosh, and more to come !

Also, check out what i saw when i logged into my account last night:

Pfft ! Her expression ! Haha. If i find out what it said i'll update this XD


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