Alyson the munchkin is here(: !
Yes, i do like Spongebob [In particular: Gary, Plankton and the F.U.N song]
Well, introduction are long and boring, heres mine:
Enough blabbing, lets start!
Didn't i tell you they were boring? xP
Recently, I found out that googling Robert Pattison 's news is certainly an amusing passtime o.o
Check this out:
Sink your teeth into this, Twi-hards - if you're Team Edward,
This is sure to make your blood boil !
Apparently Steven Moyer, another Bloodthristy vampire actor has just called the international hearthrob himself a 'Pussy' Haha, very threatning ! These were his exact words :
" He's a Pussy! He's the Slim-fast, Diet Coke of vampires ! "
. Aha, could someone be jealous? What did exactly these words tumbling out of Moyer 's befanged mouth stir up?