Wednesday, 31 March 2010


There Are Many Banned I Can`t Remember Them All But Here We Go.
- bibty
- gabby_boo

& heaps more, but i can`t remember :L

From Elle.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Rest In Peace Sinéad )':

I love you Sinéad. If only i knew all those thoughts running through your mind )': Rest in peace hunnie, i'll meet you again one day in heaven.. Hey, at least now you've got big white fluffy angel wings.. i'm sure you look beautiful with them, as you always do. You've gone too soon and i miss you so so much ): You know, we never did find out who your hacker was. Sinéad, i'll never forget you D':

[[rest in peace spinnelle]]

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

New chat system !

So.. when i logged on the first thing i noticed was that now, on the chat system non-SS names are pink, instead of the previous blue. Also, when someone chats to you a little speech bubble pops up next to their name instead of it flashing pink, and the speech bubble already there. And the 'Friends online' bar at the top has a little circle which flashes. Here's what it looks like now:

And this is what it looked like before, if you've forgotten already XD

see the difference ?? XD


Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Have You Gone To School Yet? :D

Elle is hereeeee :)
Have You Gone To School Yet? Many People Started On Mabey Thursday Last Week,
Well I Went On Mondayy. On FC It Has Been Really Dead, On The Topic Bored,
It Has Been Like 1 Minute, 1 Minute, 1 Minute 3 Minutes, 5 Minutes And
Have Gone Up To 14 Minutes. D;

From Elle/MissRoczniak ♥

Thursday, 28 January 2010

The CoverGirl is a stripper O.O

Soo.. who's seen the front page of the magazine ? I certainly have. In FC CuteGirlAbs [IceCube] made a topic saying that the CG has no clothes on. Me being me, i went to check and sure enough she was right. I then made a joke saying 'she's secretly a stripper' O:
Maybe i'm right too.. check this out:

She has a lovely MeDoll, and sure loves her underwear ! Either that or the temperature's getting toasty in Brazilia and she's wearing her swimsuit O.O


Wednesday, 27 January 2010

I Was Hacked!!

Pumpkin Is Here.
I Got Hacked Yesterday, I Had Heaps Of Money
Then NONE!The Hacker Did Broadcasts Saying Free SS.
And I Finally Got It Back, With Help From Cinnamon_Chick

Love Pumpkin.

Elle Is Writingg, So I Made A New Banner.
So You Know The New Hair Styles In FC Yeaah?
Well I Have One And I Changed My Hair To Orange,
So Now Everyone Calls Me Pumpkin. :D

Kerrang! Relentless Tour 2010 !!! ♥♥♥♥

So.. Monday night i went to the Kerrang! Relentless Tour and it was friggen AMAZING. All Time Low and The Blackout were headlining, with My Passion and Young Guns supporting. When Zack [ATL] chucked his plectrum into the crowd after the third song [Break Your Little Heart, in case you were wondering] it landed next to my foot, so instinct got me and i grabbed it straight away. I bought the official Kerrang! Relentless Tour t-shirt, and two posters of All Time Low (: The other three bands are now 3 of my new favourite bands XD I found out that if i'd waited just TWENTY MINUTES after the concert i could've met them D: But i'm sure i'll get my chance again; after all i never even knew i had that chance in the first place ! In the meantime enjoy a few photos that i personally took, from the concert :D Forgive me, for my camera is not the best XD


SECOND ACT: My Passion

All Time Low

The Mosh Pit !

idk what happened to the photos that i took of The Blackout.. >:/
i have four videos of them XD but about 10 of All Time Low XD


Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Hi, Sorry I Havent Been Posting For A While. I`mma Here To Say I`m doing Makeovers For Free & Presentations. Heres A Makeover I Did Earlier Today.
Which Is Up.


Sunday, 24 January 2010

I Won The FC Mustache Awards ! :{D


So - in my post earlier today, i told you about Mustache Day in FC. We had awards, and it went on for hours and in the end, with 24 votes i won (}': gellie321 came second with 12 votes, and kittcat97 came a close third with 10 votes. I wanna say congratulations to them both and well done to everyone else who tried hard :{D It was great fun XD Now immah change my MeDoll back to normal, but it won't be kept like that for long.. tomorrow's another fun day !


Saturday, 23 January 2010

Sooo.. today is Tache Day (;

All is said in the title, and today a lot of us FCers have been going crazy for the er, craze of mustachios ! I have given my very own tache a nickname: The Monstrosity.. ¬.¬ bahaha (: Here are FIFTY FOUR us, with me and The Monstrosity in the second row at the end:

click to enlarge (; Also, i have been informed that i missed Noob Day, which was on thursday. I missed it cuz i was ill - sympathy noise plays - >:/ Damn tummy bug ! Oh well. I've had fun taking part in today's appreciation ceremony - later there will be awards x)


What a copycat. What a FREAKING COPYCAT.

You know what ? Oh, guess what. Guess who the gossip's on this time. Yeah - markolearyishot; you guessed it. She's only gone and copied my friggen MeDoll. I spent ages working on it last night, making sure it looked as perfect as possible, only for her to copy ! Okay, so she only copied the blue mask inspiration. But still - I was frantically trying to make my MeDoll look somewhat unique out of all regular FCers and she bloody copies. Wtf ? Although someone on Stardoll is bound to have the same idea, i wouldn't think it would be a true FCer that's as active as me.. Let's play a game of spot the difference:

Hmmph. Call me immature, but i'd rather be immature than unoriginal. She could've at least asked me first if she really liked my idea enough to copy.


Thursday, 21 January 2010

FC Has Hit The Big 500,000 !

Well actually.. they hit it a few days ago XD But now that chachadancing has made the club non-private again, members are flooding in like nobody's business. Noobs, pervs, and just-plain-normals, you name it, they're coming in (: As you can see my banner has changed YET AGAIN, another promotion banner for the black eyeshadow campaign. A lot more people have joined, but i'm not gonna make a giant list again cuz that floods the page more than those annoying WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW topics XD Also, i would've updated the blog earlier, but i was ill this morning ): I'm on the mend though (: It was only a tummy bug, nothing major. Big enough that i had to skip my music exam though. I think i'll probably have to do the exam tuesday though, as i have a double music lesson then. Unfortunately i'm not gonna be able to concentrate as i'd have got home from seeing ALL TIME LOW !!!!!!!!! at 12pm XD And i'd still be buzzing from the excitement. I'll probably upload some photos when i go to the concert. It's gonna be great :D


New game ! Brand detective :shades:


Play&Earn is now updated ! {Took you long enough -.-}


I realized i was early and most of the bloggers don't Play&Earn

I was:

We could be the first to report !


Here goes:

Also note that the 'New games coming up !' is gone(:

And here is the game itself:

Seems fun, eh ?

And that mel_is_sah_x sure is a 'player' xD

Hasta la bye-bye, folks


Wednesday, 20 January 2010

The Noobz Appreciation Society, CAMPAIGN FOR BLACK EYESHADOW + Stardoll: The Website Of Lies !

In FC, i think we can all agree that the term 'noob' is more famous than all the well-knowns put together. So, i'm thinking of starting up The Noobz [with a z, for obviouz reazonz XD] Appreciation Society in, err, appreciation of them. Don't we all love the way they try and fit in like nobody's business, and the annoying way they talk ? They're the glue that holds FC together. I have made a t-shirt which i will sell when i'm SS next:

Lush, isn't it ? Leading us onto the next part, i have started a campaign to bring black eyeshadow back as the 1sd a day campaign was so successful so quickly. That's the reason why my banner has changed. FOR NOW (: This is the official list of people; so many people have signed up:

a.] XxNoAngelxX
b.] maymaymaymay
c.] chlowbow285798
1.] XxNoAngelxX

2.] tasha97
3.] Lollipop.97
4.] Pearly202
5.] Saz
6.] cool.girl..98
7.] nperez
8.] Fabulousa10
9.] XLaurie
10.] wertygirl
11.] Ellie465
12.] gellie321
14.] H.S.M-BABE
15.] Sopisop1
16.] eltato
17.] ali.cat2100
18.] _H.a.l.e.y_
19.] Phergin
20.] Rabab_84
21.] luckygirlxox
22.] lollipopchic22
23.] Tamii
24.] xoxprincess410
25.] brittanyhaines2
26.] superstar0102
27.] Cherry_Kiss_101
28.] iluvedward654
29.] PiOhPah
30.] maddie_rox_love
31.] Nemo....
32.] 1 2 3herewego
33.] Brii_101
34.] LiTtLe-bEaR123
35.] longlash123
36.] Malena
37.] Sara-Lottie
38.] Mimzy4 0 4
39.] kittcat97
40.] CzArSy
41.] Yellowajkp
42.] xxRainbowStarxx
43.] dophinmad419
44.] Maura
45.] Romanah
46.] caitlynn.xx
47.] natasha-rox286
48.] -FC-
49.] westiegirl9
50.] alilove_506
51.] Sky717
52.] nicepie
53.] chuchi321
54.] XxFlAsHyxX
55.] Maymay565
56.] Jordanlovesjoey
57.] mizzkoolkayza
58.] MissMarnie1997
59.] doglover0628
60.] chocochix1
61.] fefe909
62.] caitierose
63.] Brittany 7 6 5 9 8
64.] tilly579
65.] markolearyishot
66.] phantomcraze
67.] miss-crazee
69.] gena95x
70.] prettygirl70
71.] mandyrawrxxx
72.] fashionstar10
73.] abbkate
74.] Emma_Rocks123
75.] FREECookie4Sale
76.] Chungee100
77.] Miss.Werewolf.
78.] Marghiiiii ;D
79.] maddie3446
80.] etehan
81.] kkzoey
82.] duesa
83.] id_babe
84.] Liva101
85.] XxblackmageXx
86.] Nmaar
87.] Meegan
88.] Caitlynn13
89.] maymaymaymay
90.] chlowbow285798
91.] Louize_Ann
92.] zainooo
93.] Misscosmetics
94.] chelldimer
95.] destinee4ever
96.] saschablue
97.] starryeye
98.] fatooni
99.] skleanthi
100.] Tijana.flower
101.] bff4ever2gether
102.] grandartista
103.] gwinelda
104.] Semrum
105.] _Bethina_
106.] miss.janny
107.] kandygirl14
108.] popothebird
109.] hakfreemakeover
110.] m.the.doll
111.] tinkerbell-97
112.] verjuwl
113.] mittensmitsz
114.] Suso-chan
116.] niamhr101

a.] ?
1.] PaigeTaylor
2.] simplycool
3.] Wrong.Number
4.] Servati
5.] ayansimba
6.] maddyIB
7.] aliciafresquez
8.] super-_-woman

a.] ?
1.] MissHottieRox
2.] Jacqueline14
3.] The1fromheaven
4.] PinkDuckyy
5.] LilLivvers
6.] oopsydaissy
7.] saima.b1999

a.] ?
1.] niccii.xx
2.] mizzshez1995
3.] i_love_boo
4.] .Bam-Its-Emmah.

a.] ?
1.] ?
i'm gonna be updating this very, VERY frequently XD

Onto the next part.. hmm.. so, we've all established that we can get 5 stardollars through play and earn and keep one forever until we spend it, but look what i found..

Is this so, Stardoll ? Is this really so ? Well, i hope they realise there's usually 31 days in a month, and 31 x 5 = 155. On the odd month, aka Februay, there's 28 days. In that case, you get up to 140sd a month. And for the last 4 months, you can get 150sd. So no matter what, that's more than 100sd more than the lying website states ! And if you were wondering, that's 1825sd in a year. 1830 in a leap year. Lots and lots of dosh, and more to come !

Also, check out what i saw when i logged into my account last night:

Pfft ! Her expression ! Haha. If i find out what it said i'll update this XD


Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Ellie Is Writingg.
In FC there has been a million topics about bringing the 1sd back.
I don`t know if it`s a rumour but it`s been passed around so we might
be lucky and get it back.

Seeyaa soon.


OTTO the new shop ! ;D


Aly still writes ;o

I'm so sorry, been busy with exams and such...

Boring. Ima skip to the point now x]


You guessed it ! A new shop opened in the ever-so-famous Starplaza !

Its called : OTTO - not so chic name, i know, but the clothes are gorgeous with a capital G !

Here's a pic of the first floor [ Credit to ...Electra.... and Stardoll Addiction (: ] :

Told you so :]
It rocks socks-but there's a catch !
It's exclusive to people in Germany only :[
So listen up 'cause i'm giving out a special link to the readers ;D !
click here to view the items in your dressing room
Hasta la bye-bye for now (:

So.. a little bird told me some gossip..

Right, so i have some more gossip for you.. except i didn't find it out. My friend grandartista told me that when she was 'friends' with cutegirlaj, cutegirlaj told her that her and CuteGirlAbs live in the same house and are nearly the same. cutegirlaj is rumoured to have said "We know each other better than you think.'' - hmm.. does this mean they are the same person ? Or possibly twins ? Later on, she is said to have made a topic saying ''I am awesome and Katie is awesomer - together we are one and we are soooo popular.'' but the topic got deleted. Slightly confuzzling ? Or just very, very coincidental ? Too coincidental to be just coincidence i think.. but what do you think ? We need feedback ! ;D



I think.. well, when you do play and earn, you can earn one normal stardollar and four play and earn stardollars. They've only updated it very, VERY recently, because on my main account [XxNoAngelxX] this morning i earned your standard 5 play and earn stardollars. Then, on my backup account [StickOnGems] i noticed this:

except it said '0/1' for the normal stardollars, and '0/4' for the play and earn stardollars. Also, when i'd finished playing, this happened:

Interesting, ayy ? Well, tomorrow i'm gonna do play and earn again, and see if that lonesome stardollar remains (;
Today i'll just spend my 'hard earned' 4 stardollars XD

Also, i have created an outfit showing you a way you can wear that pink feathered skirt without looking like a magenta dodo. It's a pretty outfit with a punky twist. Hope you like it !

All of it is non-SS, and now that you can save up stardollars you'll have no problem buying all of it ;D The total of the whole outfit is 29sd.


Monday, 18 January 2010

FC Gossip.

On my tinychat there was a party, and a person called "TakeaLook" came
in. Another person for the party we thought. But it wasn't it was a
perv. Everyone thinks its was Cinnamon_Chick (Mel) because when she
went off the perv came on, when the perv wasn't on Mel was.

From Ellie/MissRoczniak

A Desperate Cry For Attention ? O:

So.. markolearyishot has decided to stay on Stardoll. Seems to me and a lot of people that she only threatened to leave to get attention. And now she's wondering why people are turning against her ? Seems pretty obvious to me. Also she accused Angel-x-Elizza of being jealous cuz she ran for CG. Wtf ? Anyone can run for CG, just many are unsuccessful like the infamous markolearyishot. Let's hope when i run i'll be more successful than she was ayy (;

Also, there are FC Awards going on - i have been voted for Best MeDoll so im hoping i get in the final nominees :D Please vote for me XD


Sunday, 17 January 2010

MORE gossip !

And guess what.. it's on markolearyishot AGAIN XD Yesterday she tried her luck at winning covergirl, but didn't get it. This is her reaction:

''I worked SO hard yesterday and 2day to become CG.I made topics,broadcasts.send messages to ALL my friends and all that for NOTHING!.I'm so sick of stardoll why is it so complicated? sometimes when u try to post some of a story your writing it wont post! I made a story.but I only got to post.1 bit and it just stopped.I am going to leave SD I makes me so mad.''

Immature much ? gloomyangel replied with this:

You are a child.
Leave, you dont understand anything.
There is nothing to get mad about.
This is a CHILDRENS site.
A pixel doll, a pixel magazine, a pixel gold badge, pixel money, pixel visitors.
There is people out there with f*ked up lives who wish they could make their troubles dissapear by pressing the log off button.
If ur mad over this? God, you wont survive the bltch that life is.''

Very, VERY well said. Oh, how i love FC and the people in it XD


Sorry for not posting yesterday ! D:

Sorry for not posting yesterday, i was pretty busy and i was in such a bad mood yesterday. I'll briefly tell you what happened. Some of you may already know i have a crush called Aaron. Well, him, me and the rest of our performing arts class are doing a performance downtown involving singing and dancing. Aaron organized the whole thing, but he kinda organized it without asking what we thought of the system he'd set up. So now, 5 of our class, including him, are doing most of the performance. There's 28 performance pieces, and all of them are in at least 20. The rest of us.. well, we're only in 4. And they're all singing. So i'm not gonna bother turning up. Idc what they all say.

Also, my friend spinnelle has been hacked, and her account deleted D: I'm trying my hardest to get it re-activated by Stardoll for her, but she has no proof it's her account because she accidentally deleted all her reciept messages from her phone. Do any of you have ideas who hacked her ? If so, please leave a comment below. Thankyou x


Friday, 15 January 2010

Today's Report (:

Mhmm .. So what interesting things happened today in FC? (;
Nothing much actually, this day was a bit boring, the same, old usual topics & same people.
But, the popularity 'trend' have came back to FC again.
There are a lot of topics which contain popular + pretty lists.
Reminds the times when FC's Discussions Board was all flooded with those.
Let's hope it's not gonna happen again, because it makes a lot of FC'ers leave FC. D:

Do YOU have more news to tell us?
Any gossip which YOU heard and YOU can let us know?
Tell us here, in the comments ! (:

Makeovers ^.^

Hey !! My post for today is dedicated entirely to MAKEOVERS. I decided to do 6 today, and these people are PrInCeSs-YaSmIn, im_an_angel01, Addison_Lexie, craigsophie, heather368 and reem_alzain. Here they are: